Dogs are, by far, the animals responsible for the most attacks against humans. Sadly, the victims of dog bites are commonly children. Children make up half of the estimated 4.5 million dog bites each year.
If you or your child has suffered from a dog attack, you should speak to our Connecticut dog bite lawyers with experience handling these cases regarding your legal rights.
Call today for free consultation (877)-987-9LAW
Dog bite cases are complex. An investigation must be performed to determine if the dog was a known threat to the public, if it has bitten anyone in the past or if the dog’s owner was negligent. Even if a dog has not exhibited violent tendencies in the past, the owner of the dog may still be held liable as long as the victim was not trespassing or committing some other crime.
Connecticut Dog Bite Laws
In Connecticut, a dog’s owner is responsible for any damage caused by the dog to a person’s body or property. When a dog attack occurs, it is important to hold the dog owner accountable. Your rights should be protected.
The law is not limited to dog bites. However, under certain circumstances, a negligence claim can be brought against the owner of all kinds of animals if they attack a person. This includes everything from household cats to farm animals.
Recovering Compensation
The long-term injuries that can result from an animal bite might mean ongoing pain and a decrease in the quality of life. A person severely bitten by a dog may require physical therapy to rehabilitate them – not to mention the expenses of this care. Some people may even need counseling due to the trauma of the attack.
As part of our investigation of a dog bite claim, we call upon medical experts to determine the severity of injuries and their impact on a person’s life. Compensation awarded as part of a claim can pay for medical costs for ongoing care.
Protect Your Legal Rights
If you or your child has been injured by a bite from a dog or other domestic animal, contact an experienced Connecticut dog bite attorney to help fight for your rights. You may be entitled to compensation. A claim does not undo the damage that has been done, but a monetary reward can help with your family’s future financial security after suffering such a terrible ordeal.
Call us today at 860.346.2695 for a free case evaluation to explore your legal options. There is no obligation.
Connecticut Office
190 Washington Street
Middletown, CT 06457
P: (860) 346-2695