4 Safety Tips for Pedestrians

4 Safety Tips for Pedestrians
distracted pedestrians using mobile phones while crossing street

Accidents involving pedestrians are on the rise in Connecticut – and across the country.
Being struck while crossing the street and even while standing on sidewalks, cell phones have partly been blamed for pedestrians being distracted, as a variety of distractions plague both pedestrians and drivers.

Pedestrian Accidents in Connecticut

More than 1,400 pedestrian-related accidents occurred in 2016, according to the Connecticut Crash Data Repository (CTCDR). Of those, 50 were fatal.

Connecticut's Deadliest Road For Pedestrian Accidents

In fact, for the past eight years, the Tri-State Transportation Campaign has named Route 1 the most dangerous road in Connecticut.

The highway, which stretches some 120 miles, was home to 72 pedestrian-involved accidents in 2016 alone.

Drivers are certainly responsible for their behavior when behind the wheel, though pedestrians have practical responsibilities as well.
How can pedestrians help ensure their own safety?

Pedestrians Can Stay Safe And Avoid Accidents With Drivers

A “pedestrian” refers to just about anyone not traveling in a vehicle, such as a person moving by foot, wheelchair or stroller. Though all pedestrians can be at risk for an accident, males are at a higher risk for being injured, and parents should use extra caution when walking with children, who can be harder for drivers to see due to their size (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

4 Tips To Help Pedestrians Stay Safe

  • Avoid Distractions

Whether you’re crossing the street or walking down the sidewalk, avoid anything that would distract you from your surroundings, especially cell phones. Electronic devices – among other items – detract from your undivided attention and can hurt your ability to react to oncoming traffic. Your focus should be on your surroundings.

  • Use the Crosswalk

When crossing the street, avoid jaywalking or crossing where it’s not permitted. Not only illegal, jaywalking is extremely dangerous, and can put you at a much higher risk for being struck by a car. Always cross the street at designated crosswalks or intersections, and look both ways as you do so.

  • Face Traffic

While your safest bet is to use the sidewalk, this isn’t always a possibility. When you don’t have the option of a sidewalk, walk on the shoulder of the road. You should always face traffic, as you’ll be more visible to drivers.

  • Increase Your Visibility

For a driver to see you, make yourself as visible as possible. This is most important at night, and during inclement weather conditions such as fog. Consider carrying a flashlight to help make your presence known, or wearing reflective clothing or shoes if you can. If you’re going to be out after dark, avoid wearing black, as it will make you harder to see.

Collisions With Pedestrians Do Happen Though

If you or someone you know has recently been injured in a pedestrian-related accident, we at The Flood Law Firm want to offer our sincere condolences. We know this can be a difficult time, and our team is ready and qualified to help you through it. Let us be your advocates.
While a monetary settlement cannot undo the pain, suffering and trouble you have had to endure, compensation can help with medical bills or missed wages. You have been through enough, and the guilty party should be held responsible for their actions.

Contact The Flood Law Firm Today If You've Been Injured

With decades of combined legal experience, we have the skills and knowledge to help you move on with your life.
Contact The Flood Law Firm today by calling (860) 346-2695 for a no-cost, no-obligation consultation.

Brian Flood


Brian has dedicated his entire legal career to helping accident victims. By choice, he has never represented the interests of an insurance company.

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