It’s a milestone that is worthy of celebration: high school graduation. For perhaps the first time in their lives, graduating seniors are ready to take their newfound independence for a spin. However, each year, far too many lives are tragically cut short when intoxicated teens get behind the wheel.
In an effort to counteract the number of bootleg parties full of illegal drinking and risky behavior, The Project Graduation Committee is hosting a fundraiser to provide a sober graduation party for Portland High School’s class of 2019. The Flood Law Firm is proud to sponsor Project Graduation, and you can be a part of giving graduating seniors a safe and unforgettable night they’ll live to remember!
Simply like and share this post with your friends and family on Facebook and The Flood Law Firm will donate $5 for every like and $10 for each share towards an alcohol-free celebration for Portland High.
Teen Drinking in America

Teen drinking is a serious problem in America. Fortunately, schools across the nation are taking initiative each year to address underage drinking before it has a chance to claim another life.
Did you know that alcohol is the most commonly abused substance among youth in America?
Teen Drinking and Driving
A 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Study of high school students found that within a month from being surveyed:
- 30% drank some amount of alcohol
- 14% binge drank
- 6% drove after drinking alcohol
- 17% rode with a driver who had been drinking alcohol
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association defines binge drinking as having five or more drinks on the same occasion.
Unfortunately, many parents do not realize the severity of the problem. Only 1% of parents believe their teen drinks excessively, when the numbers show that 90% of teens have 5 or more drinks in one session.
Underage Drinking in Connecticut

When ranked nationally, Connecticut teens have a much higher rate of underage binge drinking than their peers. This spike in frequency is attributed to a greater alcohol accessibility, the surrounding economy and even the state's cultural mentality.
Teen drinking is more common in the Northeast US than in any other part of the country. Along with Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Vermont, Massachusetts and Rhode Island all show high numbers for underage drinking.
In fact, one study by the Hartford Courant revealed that almost 18% of Connecticut teens between the ages of 12 and 17 said they used alcohol in the last month - the highest in the nation.
On top of this, car accidents are the number one cause of death among American teens, many of which are due to drunk driving. This is a deadly combination. Based on these trends, many students won’t make it to see their first year of college.
Get Involved with Project Graduation
The facts surrounding teen drinking are hard to swallow. However, The Project Graduation Committee is giving you a simple way to help change the statistics. Whether you’re a parent, student, educator or just want to make a difference from wherever you are, you can be part of reducing the impact of underage drinking in the Portland High School community.
Each year, the committee raises funds to contribute towards a graduation celebration that is both fun and safe for graduating seniors. The Flood Law Firm is pleased to partner with The Project Graduation Committee every year to give towards an alcohol-free event that will be held the night after graduation.
The event serves as a memorable way to help encourage Portland High seniors to make positive choices for themselves and their peers.
You can be a part of changing teen drinking statistics!
- Like this post on Facebook and $5 will be donated by The Flood Law Firm
- Share this post on Facebook and $10 will be donated by The Flood Law Firm
- Tell your friends to do the same
The Flood Law Firm will donate for each like and share up to May 24th, 2019.
Project Graduation, Portland High and The Flood Law Firm thank you for your participation!
The Flood Law Firm will contribute up to $1,500 towards Project Graduation.